

At this point
there should probably be a conference
hosted by the MTA
inviting all the conductors
imploring their attendance
with a little megaphone sitting
at each one of their tables
ready for projection

The MC would say something like
“All together now”:
and the navy blue button downs
would say
in no type of unison at all:
“Hoyt Schermerhorn”
“Height Shmemershmorn”
“Hit Schemerskorn”

The stuttering man stumbles and fumbles
his words
sending a tourist couple somewhere
into confused looks
double takes and triple takes
lost in their subway maps
looking for a stop that used to exist
but now is gone

One conductor leaves
another comes on
closes the door
and step into the booth
megaphone awaiting

“This is a Lefferts Bound “A” Train--
the next stop will be..

The couple looks up