reptile skin

Can a lizard stand on his own two
and face a mirror that shows his face?

highlights the scars and the pain underneath
exposes the faults 
forces a reckoning 
that makes him quake
and grits his teeth
beginning to peel
from the top to the floor 
a sinking shape
transparent through the window of the falling sun
frayed and limp
like two split seams doing yoga with
identical means 
in back arched poses 
kissing the floor
the last scaly remnants 
of a full trembling spin
left to the dust 
left to the wind
left to its own device



At this point
there should probably be a conference
hosted by the MTA
inviting all the conductors
imploring their attendance
with a little megaphone sitting
at each one of their tables
ready for projection

The MC would say something like
“All together now”:
and the navy blue button downs
would say
in no type of unison at all:
“Hoyt Schermerhorn”
“Height Shmemershmorn”
“Hit Schemerskorn”

The stuttering man stumbles and fumbles
his words
sending a tourist couple somewhere
into confused looks
double takes and triple takes
lost in their subway maps
looking for a stop that used to exist
but now is gone

One conductor leaves
another comes on
closes the door
and step into the booth
megaphone awaiting

“This is a Lefferts Bound “A” Train--
the next stop will be..

The couple looks up